This article provides an informational video and instructions to teach you and your volunteers how to check-in and register guests/bidders using the Handbid iPad App!
If you're hosting an in-person event, during the check-in process, you are able to check in and register (add) guests/bidders from your guest list using the Handbid iPad app. You can find this feature in the top menu on the iPad. This approach offers a number of advantages over using laptops at your event.
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Benefits of using iPads at your Event
- The iPad App downloads the guest list to the device, making the lookup of information and the overall process much snappier than the web-connection the Auction Manager uses.
- iPads are portable and your staff can walk around with them. This may not work for your event, but in some cases this is preferable.
- iPads can be paired with a secure credit card reader that is simple to use to add cards to a bidder's account.
However, with those advantages, it is important to note one thing that may be a disadvantage for some:
- Some find iPads harder to type on. So, if your guest list is sparse (e.g missing a lot of data), and your volunteers might not be very tech savvy, you may find your check-in to be a bit slower if your check-in volunteers struggle to type in data on iPads (vs. laptops).
If none of those things concern you, well then watch this video for an overview of the guest list check-in process on iPads!
Video: iPad Guest List
Access the Manager Section of the iPad App
- First you will generate a PIN to access the manager side of the iPad app. From the manager section of the iPad app you can view auction statistics and manage the guest list.
- To set up the Manager pin for iPad, go to the INFO tab and enter a five digit pin code that will be used to access the manager side of the iPad app. Click update to save the PIN and you are ready to access the manager side of the iPad app.
- Select the manager icon on the Handbid iPad app.
- Then enter the PIN to access the manager side of the iPad app.
- Once you have entered the PIN you will be greeted with the auction manager dashboard.
Accessing the Guest List for Check-in
- Once you're in the Auction Manager Dashboard, select "Guest List" from the menu on the left side of the screen to view the guest list on the iPad. From here you can either search for guest by name or sponsor. Also if the guest has a QR code ticket in their possession, you can scan that ticket to find their information in the guest list.
- Select the check box next to the guests that you want to check-in. You can select more than one!
- Then, select the green "Guest Check-In" box in the lower right corner. This box will highlight green when you have selected a guest from the guest list.
After selecting a Guest and the "Guest Check-In" button the registration dialogue will display.

Steps for Checking in and Registering a Guest
- Update the guest information. The grey "Edit button" is where you can edit the guest's information. If you need to correct a name, table, sponsor, etc., you can simply edit the guest's information. (e.g. You change the name from Guest Flintstone to Wilma Flintstone).
You can then check in the guest with the correct information reflecting on your guest list. Select the green SAVE button when you are done updating the guest's information.
Register the guest as a bidder. If the guest wants to register as a bidder, tap the Register button. This will pull up a form where you can create a bidder profile, add information and register them.
Name and email are required fields so make sure those are accurate. Cell phone number is not required, but strongly recommended. The only reason not to record a cell phone would be if the bidder does not have a smart phone to utilize for bidding. For those that prefer to bid from iPads rather than their cell phone, simply click the "No Cell Phone" checkbox and Handbid will let you register the bidder without a phone.If you have a couple that wants to bid separately but on the same account, simply add a second number on this form and both will receive a login link invitation from Handbid. This link will allow them to get setup on their respective phones.
Once complete, select the "Next" button when you have entered the bidder's information.
- Manually add a credit card.
- If you have marked For Sale or Appeal items available at check-in, you can add those items to a bidder's invoice at check-in. A good example of this would be adding a mulligan for golf tournaments, a cork for a wine pull or a beaded necklace for a Heads or Tails game.
When you're ready to add the item to their invoice, select the quantity of the item and then select the green "Add to Invoice" button.
- On the next page, check the "Send Login Link" box if you have registered the guest as a bidder and they are using their mobile device. This will send them a link to help them get setup on Handbid on their device.
- Finally, select the green "Complete Check-In" to finish checking in or registering your guest. Once complete with all guests, Handbid will return you to the guest list to check in the next party.