This article provides information for how to make sure your site is set up to enable credit card processing, as well as a breakdown of the Financial settings options.
Before you can begin to collect funds and accept payments through your Handbid event site, you will need to make sure that your credit card processor is connected and enabled. Follow along in this article to learn how to enable credit card processing through Handbid.
- To enable credit card processing through Handbid, go to the Auction Settings gearwheel and select the FINANCIAL tab.
- Make sure that "Enable Credit Card Processing through Handbid" is selected. If this box is checked, users will be able to add credit card information to their account and make payments. You will also be able to charge a stored credit card within the Auction Manager if there are outstanding balances after your event.
- If you made changes to any of the FINANCIAL settings, be sure to click the green UPDATE button to save your changes.
Financial Settings Overview
- Require Credit Card - If this box is checked, bidders will be prompted to enter a CC before they are allowed to place a bid or make a purchase. Credit cards will not automatically be charged so users can still pay with cash or check if they have a card on file. (NOTE: Enable Credit Card must be checked to use this option)
- Spending Threshold - If this field is blank then bidders will have to enter a credit card before they are allowed to place ANY bid. If you enter a value, bidders will be able to bid without a credit card on file until their total winning bids are greater than the spending threshold. For example, if you set the spending threshold at 100, bidders can bid on items without adding a credit card until total winning bids are greater than $100. (NOTE: Enable Credit Card Support and Require Credit Card must both be checked to use this option).
- Prompt Purchaser to Cover CC Fees - This will display a checkbox asking your bidders if they want to cover the credit card fees associated with their invoice.
- Enable this by default? - This will check the box to cover credit card fees by default. So instead of opting in to pay the fees, they will opt out / uncheck the box. The checkbox to cover fees will be checked by default.
- Require user to enter an Address to pay -When this field is checked, the bidder will be prompted to enter an address prior to paying their invoice. This setting is recommended if you intend to ship items to bidders.
- Enable Winner Notifications - When the auction closes, this notifies bidders via text message that they have won an item and provides a URL to their invoice for easy check out. If they did not win an item and donation items are available it will ask bidders if they want to make a donation.
- Auction Premium - If you choose to enter a percentage here, this will be added to the total invoice amount for ALL bidders. This premium is added to the total amount (including taxes). This cannot be removed, so be sure that you want it turned on if you add it.
- Currency - select currency for your auction. The default setting is the US Dollar (USD).
Always remember to select the UPDATE button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
Things to Consider
Here are some things to consider about our CC system. For more information on this, we recommend checking out: Pros and Cons of requiring a Credit Card to bid.
- You must 'Enable Credit Card Processing' if you want to require a CC to bid.
- We offer this service as a convenience. Credit Card transaction fees are 3.5% plus $0.30 per transaction on all funds processed using the Handbid CC system.
IMPORTANT: Credit cards are NOT automatically charged when the auction closes. We do this as a means to reduce confusion and disputes. At auction close, a guest can either pay directly from their phone, or payments can be processed from the Handbid Manager by Auction Managers or Team Members with proper permissions.