This article overviews how to make bulk changes to items, invitees and guests.
We understand that changes happen, so we developed a tool to help you manage those changes. In Handbid, you have to ability to edit multiple items and guests at one time with just a couple clicks. This article will walk you through, step-by-step, on how to make these bulk changes.
- In your Auction (or Event) Dashboard, click on the ITEMS tab. Then, by using the items dropdown, you can filter by all items, the item type, or an individual category.
- Then, select the checkbox next to the items that you want to edit.
- You will then select the "bulk actions".
- Then select edit items, and the checkbox that correlates with the change you want to make. "Assign to Category", "Set Item Status", and "Lowering Starting Bid" all have an additional drop-down menu.

- Edit the category: Select the items you want to edit. Select the checkbox next to the category then select the category from the drop-down menu. To save your changes, click the "Edit" button.
- Edit the status: Select the items you want to edit. Select the checkbox next to "Set Item Status". Then select the status that you want to update the item to. (e.g. Open or Pending) To save your changes, click the "Edit" button.
- Edit the starting bid of an item: Select the items you want to edit. Select the checkbox next to "Lower Starting Bid". Then select the percentage that you want to lower your items by. (e.g. 10%, 25%, or 50%) To save your changes, click the "Edit" button.
Note: If you select an item that has a bid on it this option will not appear. - For all other options: you will select the checkbox of what you want to edit. There is no additional drop-down menu to select from.
- FireSale - Selecting Firesale will update the buy it now price to the starting bid. This is a feature used when re-opening your auction to sell unsold items.
- Hide - Selecting Hide will hide items from your guests view in your auction. Note: Items with bids on them cannot be hidden. For more information on hiding an item click here.
- UnHide - Selecting UnHide will display your hidden items. It will "UnHide" items that are marked "Is Hidden".
- Featured - Selecting Featured will feature the selected items. For more information on this click here.
- UnFeatured - Selecting UnFeatured will uncheck the "Featured" checkbox. The item will no longer be a Featured item.
- Show Value - Selecting Show Value will display the Fair Market Value of an auction item.
- Hide Value - Selecting Hide Value will uncheck the Show Value checkbox. In other words, it will not display the Fair Market Value.
- Delete these items - Selecting delete these items will remove the selected items from your auction. When deleting items from your auction you will need to type "Delete these items" in order to confirm the request.

How to Bulk Edit Invitees
- In the left-hand menu of the Auction Dashboard click on PEOPLE > GUESTS, then Invite List.
- Once the Invite List window loads, you can click on the checkboxes next to invitees' names
- In the top menu of the window, click on the paper and pencil icon (the bulk edit tool) to open up bulk editing options.
Options include:
Assign to Sponsor- If you need to add a guest to a sponsor's name (i.e.: Bob Smith, Bank of America, etc)
Enter a New Sponsor Name- If you need to add them to a new sponsor
Assign to Tables - if you need to move a group of guests to a certain table
Enter a New Table- If you need to add a new table to the list
Assign a Status - Use this option if you need to identify a guest as a VIP, Staff, Volunteer, etc
How to Bulk Edit Guests
- In the left-hand menu of the Auction Dashboard, click on PEOPLE > GUESTS, then click on Guest List.
- Then, select the checkboxes next to the names of the guests you wish to bulk edit.
- Once you've selected your guests, click on the Bulk Actions button to open up the bulk editing options window and select "Edit Guests".
- Once the window opens you will have three options:
- Assign placement - if you need to move a group of guests to a certain table
- Set Status - Use this option if you need to identify a guest as a VIP, Staff, Volunteer, etc
- Set Sponsor - If you need to add a guest to a sponsors name (Bob Smith, Bank of America, etc)
NOTE: After you've made all your changes, be sure to click the purple EDIT button to save.