This article includes instructions to teach you how to add a For Sale item on your Handbid site.
A For Sale item is any item that has a fixed purchase price. The opposite of a "For Sale" item in Handbid is an "Auction Item". Auction items have a starting bid, a bid increment and the final price will be the last price bid on it. Auction items can also have a "Buy It Now" price which can be a bit confusing to some. Review this article you want to understand how to use Buy it Now Prices on auction items.
A "For Sale" item and can be anything such as: Drink Tickets, Drawings, Wine Pull, Merchandise, Games or a Shipping Fee. See the below video for step by step instructions on how to add a For Sale item.
Video: Adding a for-sale item.
INSTRUCTIONS: Adding a "For Sale" Item
To add an item to your auction, go to your account manager. On the icon bar at the top, click on the "Items" icon to get started. From there, you can select "For Sale" to create a For Sale Item. We have other articles that show you how to set up Tickets or Appeals.
Once you are in the "For Sale" item edit window, you can specify the following:
- Item Name - Be descriptive here as much as possible. If this is a Wine Pull item, call it that!
- Item Code - you should use Item Codes to help you organize items for checkout and delivery. These codes should be simple so that bidders can use them to look up items. For more information on how to use Item Codes at Checkout, please review our Rock Star Checkout eBook!
- Category - you should add this item to a category so that it is visible in the apps and on the website
- Sales Options - You have the following options
- Sell at PreSale - If you want this item to be available when the event is in presale mode, then select this option. These should only be items that you want your guests to purchase online.
- Sell at Check-in - If you want to be able to add this item to a user's bill right when they check-in, then select this option. One good example is selling Mulligans at a golf tournament when golfers arrive and register.
- Event Only - Use this if you only want bidders physically present to purchase this. This is good for wine pulls, raffles, games, etc. Watch the video below for more details.
- Hide Sales - If you do not want anyone online to see how many have been sold of this item, then you can check this option.
- Value Received - If this item has some sort of value given to the purchaser in exchange, then this is considered a Quid Pro Quo contribution. What is that? A Quid Pro Quo contribution is a payment a guest makes to a charity partly as a contribution and partly for goods or services. For example, if a guest pays you $100 and receives a concert ticket valued at $40, the guest has made a quid pro quo contribution. You as a charity are required by the IRS to disclose the value of the goods and services received (both on Auction items and on For Sale items). This is where you would disclose that value received!
- Inventory - Here you can specify if there are a limited number of these available to purchase.
- Drawing Options - Select in order to draw a winner from a spreadsheet. Once "is drawing" is checked, an option will appear to enter the amount of entries for the item. This will ensure the spreadsheet populates with all chances to win. Once you are ready to create a report, you will need to select which items you want to populate the spreadsheet then you can choose to randomize a winner.
- To pull the report to generate you list of purchases, go to Reporting- Items- Drawing Purchasers.
- Click Add Filter- Items- Is (Choose the items that are indicated in your drawing)- Apply Filter
- Now you will have a list of all of the purchasers
Changing an Item Type
Did you mean to create an appeal when you created your For Sale item? No worries, you can switch that type on the Edit item window (see screenshot above). Just change the Item Type to "Appeal".
NOTE: You can not change a TICKET to a For Sale Item or vice versa. So, if you created a For Sale item and then decided you want it to be an entrance ticket, you will need to create a new Ticket item and delete the one you created.