This article will walk through Invoices/Receipts from the left side menu in Handbid Manager.
Handbid uses the terms "invoices" & "receipts" interchangeably. Prior to an account being paid, it is an invoice and after payment is made it is a receipt.
Invoice/Receipts are automatically generated as purchases are made by your bidders. A purchase is any "For Sale item" or "Direct Donation" or "Buy-it-Now" purchase made during an auction or any winning items after the auction closes.
If your bidders have only made donations or purchased items, they can view their invoice and pay it at any time. When the auction closes, any items that a bidder wins will be marked as sold and converted to a purchase. These will then be added to the same invoice. To see invoices anytime, select the Invoice/Receipts tab on the left navigation in the auction manager.
NOTE: If you used the integrated Handbid credit card system, you have 30 days from the day your auction closes to collect funds.
You can record offline transactions collected by your Credit Card System, Cash, Check, etc. longer than 30 days.
Consider visiting Reporting>Financial>Invoice Details to view all invoices in a tabular view and to print a spreadsheet of all invoices.
Article Index
To skip ahead, click on a section title below:
- Pay Invoice through Auction Manager on the Desktop
- Pay Invoice through Phone (App)
- Pay Invoice through iPad
- Sending and Exporting an Invoice
Pay Invoice/Receipt through the Auction Manager on the Desktop
- Select the Invoice/Receipts tab on the left side menu of the Auction Manager
- Select an individual from the list. A pop up will appear with the details of the individual invoice. You can review which items were purchased by item type - Auction, For Sale, Donations, as well as what payments were already processed.
- Click the blue Pay Now button
- Choose to pay the invoice in full or apply a partial payment.
Click the payment method and choose payment method from dropdown. Click the blue pay button.
Credit Card (Processes through Handbid's payment processor)
External Payment (Credit card payments made through external processor: PayPal, Square, etc or any other type of external payment you process OUTSIDE of Handbid)
Amount by Cash (for all cash payments)
Check The option to add a check number will appear in the next screen.
Apply a Discount or a Credit to pay the entire invoice by a discount or credit.
To MAKE A PARTIAL PAYMENT enter the payment amount and choose the method of payment. You can also add a credit card and choose whether or not to send a receipt to the user. The total amount due will be updated on the invoice. The partial payment is attached to an item. You cannot make more than one payment on an item. If you have multiple items on your invoice, you can apply a partial payment on a specific item.
Modify Tax Amount on an Item
As an auction manager, you can add, remove, or adjust the amount of sales tax added to an item.
- Open the invoice by selecting Invoice/Receipts tab on the left side menu and then select an individual from the list.
- Select the "..." icon to the right of the item you wish to edit tax. From the popup menu select the Edit Tax option.
- This will open the "Edit Payment Tax" window, where you can set new tax value to apply to this item and Update the value.
NOTE: You will enter a dollar amount not a percentage.

Pay Invoice/Receipt on Phone (App)
The Bidder can either ADD A CREDIT CARD or if they have a card on file they can choose to MAKE A PAYMENT button at the bottom of their Invoice/Receipt. They can select this button to authorize Handbid to charge their credit card on file. They can also pay via Apple Pay or Google Pay.
If you add an item to a bidders invoice/receipt (live auction item, paddle raise, etc.) after the auction has closed, the bidder will receive an updated invoice directly through the app. They can pay additional charges by selecting the MAKE A PAYMENT button again.
How to View/Pay an Invoice on an iPad
The Handbid iPad app supports the ability to add a bidder's credit card.
Follow these instructions to add a bidder's credit card using the iPad application:
- Select the My Bids icon from the top right corner.
- Enter the bidder paddle number and select submit.
- Click the green View Invoice button at the bottom of the screen.
- Select the Invoice and ADD CREDIT CARD or MAKE A PAYMENT
Sending and Exporting Invoices
As the auction manager, you have the ability to email or text an invoice/receipt link to a bidder or if necessary to print an invoice/receipt. Your winning bidders will also be taken to the invoice screen at the end of an auction.
You can also export Invoice data to a CSV.
EMAIL, SMS or PRINT Invoices in BULK
- Sort and Filter the Invoice List
- Select ALL, NOT PAID or PAID which will sort your list and bulk-send invoices to only those in the sorted list. If you do not wish to pre-sort the list, choose ALL.
- You can filter the Invoice List by Name, Credit Card, Bidder Location, Last Transaction, Status and Balance Due.
- Choose to send invoices via EMAIL, SMS or PRINT
- You can also EXPORT your invoices in the CURRENT VIEW, CURRENT SELECTION (select certain guests) or ALL INVOICES
Email, Text or Print Individual Invoice/Receipt
- Click on the name of the Bidder
- In the pop up window, select SEND/PRINT Invoice
- Select how you would like to send the invoice - Print, Send as SMS, or Send as Email