Bidder List

Removing a Bidder From Auction

This article will provide steps for removing a guest/bidder from your auction.

Sometimes people will join your auction when they are just browsing auctions on the website or in the app. Bidders will be added to your auction if they choose to bid or if they select the REGISTER button online from your auction page or purchase a ticket.  If you believe someone has incorrectly joined your auction you can remove them by: 

  1. From the Auction Dashboard, Select PEOPLE > Bidders
  2. Click on the Bidder Name you wish to remove
  3. When the bidder profile window appears, click the garbage can icon (Remove Bidder icon) in the upper right corner of the screen. 


  • Removing a bidder from your auction does not remove their bidder account.  It only removes them from getting information on your auction.
  • If they have a purchase or bid on your auction you cannot remove them.
  • Once a bidder is removed you cannot reuse their paddle number.
  • Once you have removed a bidder from your auction - you cannot re-add them.