Create Tickets

Create an Admission Ticket That Admits Multiple Guests

This article will show how to create a ticket that admits multiple guests to your event.

Tickets that admit multiple guests could be table purchases, sponsorships, golf carts etc... You can indicate how many guests are admitted under this ticket. The ticket purchaser will be listed on the guest list at the purchaser and ALSO the Sponsor since they are "sponsoring" the other guests on their guest list. They will also be encouraged to enter their guest information and to complete their individual guest list through the desktop or the app. 

The Steps to create a ticket that admits multiple guests are very similar to creating an individual ticket. The DIFFERENCE is in how many people are admitted per ticket under TICKET OPTIONS and how it is reflected on the Guest List. 


  1. Select "Items" then "create new item".
  2. Select "Ticket" and click the green CREATE SELECTED ITEM button. 
  3. Complete the ITEM INFO tab.

create new item ticket info tab

    1. Item Name - Keep this as short as possible.  54 characters or less is recommended. Example: "Individual Ticket"
    2. Item Code - This is how you will identify the item {ticket} in your reporting.
    3. Item Type - This will not change
    4. Select Category - Selecting a category is not required for tickets however, if you would like to track category performance, you can separate your tickets into different categories. This works well when selling tickets versus sponsorships. 
    5. Price - Ticket price.
    6. Status - This will always be pending when you create an item. When your auction opens, this will be changed to open. For tickets to appear in PRESALE or PREVIEW mode: after the ticket is created go back in to the ticket and change to "open". 
    7. Value Received - This is the value received in exchange for the ticket.  This is an example of a Quid Pro Quo contribution. For example, if you sell a ticket that includes dinner and the value of dinner is $50, then you would put $50 here.
    8. Hide Item - item will not appear to the end user
    9. Hide from Purchases - item will not appear on purchasers invoice 
    10. Featured - will appear as a featured item on the event site  Popular - will appear as a popular item on Handbid's main event search site: 
    11. Backend Only -  The purpose of backend only is to create a ticket that can be added to an invoice that will not appear to the end user.
    12. Sales Options 
      1. Sell at Presale - This will be available to purchase when the auction is in pre-sale mode. RECOMMENDED for ticket sales prior to an event. 
      2. Sell at Check-in - This will be available for agents to add to a customer at registration.
      3. Event Only - You would use this feature if you want to sell event tickets at the event from a volunteer. The user cannot add their own ticket to their invoice. 
      4. Hide Sales - If you do not want to show the total sold or quantity remaining of a ticket, select this.
      5. Show Purchasers Names - Use this option if you want to show the purchasers name rather than paddle number on the event site.
    13. Inventory - You can limit the inventory of the ticket by entering and inventory amount. The system will not allow more tickets to be sold than are available.
  1. Complete DESCRIPTION tab.
    1. Description and Fine Print will appear to the End User 
    2. Display Sheet Description - not typically used for Tickets 
    3. Redemption Instructions - These instructions will print on the purchaser's invoice that is emailed.
  2. Complete TICKET OPTIONS tab.
    1. create new item ticket ticket options tabSale Start and End - Please put in when the tickets will go on sale and when that will end.  Note that the auction will still need to be in either Presale/Preview (with the presale option selected) or open for these tickets to be purchased.
    2. Limit per Transaction - How many of these tickets can someone buy at once?  The default is unlimited. 
    3. Admits People per Ticket - How many people does this ticket admit? For a ticket with multiple guests enter the total number the ticket admits. For instance, the ticket is for a table of 10 - enter "10". This will give the ticket purchaser a guest slot along with 9 other guest slots. This is important because the number admitted is what will populate the guest list. If you do not put a number in here, the name will not appear on the guest list. 
    4. Select Guest Status - This is a required field. You can select from the default of General or VIP or create a custom status by clicking "add". 
    5. Ticket Instructions - Enter what you would like the guest to know about the ticket. 
    6. Payment Terms - Do you want the purchaser to be able to pay later for the ticket? If so, select "Allow Purchasers to Pay Later". PLEASE NOTE: This will move this ticket under the "Sponsorships" button and tab on the event site. We suggest to only use this option for Sponsorships. 
    7. Discount Codes - Create as many discount codes as you need for people to use to adjust the ticket price. There are two types of discounts: Amount (a whole number that will be subtracted from the ticket price.  {e.g. Amt Discount with a value of 20 would deduct $20 from the price of a ticket}) and % discount (e.g. 50% off to give someone half price). The code should be a text code that you give to the purchaser to use (like a coupon code).
    8. Surcharge - Do you want to charge a handling fee or another surcharge? You can either apply an amount Surcharge (e.g. $2 per ticket) or a % surcharge (10% on top of the ticket price).

Next, upload your Media (Photos/Video)and you're all set!

Remember that your auction will need to be in PRESALE, PREVIEW or OPEN status to sell tickets. We recommend PRESALE - your guests can purchase tickets and donate but cannot see your items. Be sure you mark "sell at presale" to view tickets in presale mode. 

Want to help your supporters purchase tickets? Consider sending this video which is found in this article