Guest List

How to Import a Guest List

This article will show you how to import a guest list from a spreadsheet.

Once you've compiled a list of all your attending guests, and you're ready to import your guest list, then this is the article for you!

Pro Tip: If you are using the Handbid Ticketing System, the guest list will be populated through ticket sales and we do not recommend uploading a Guest List. Visit this article to learn how Tickets Create Guest Slots.  

Step 1:

Prepare your Spreadsheet

This sort of a trick question. If you used our template it IS in the right format. It needs to be a CSV file. CSV stands for "comma-separated value" and represents a basic text file with all of your data in it with the fields (first name, last name, etc.) separated by commas.  If you made a decision at some point to save it as an XLS file (why?),  then you need to save it back to a CSV. 

Also, if you added or removed columns, then you will need to remove those or add those back.  If you can't remember what you added and removed, then grab a new sample file and copy your data back to it.

Pro Tip: Include no special characters including "&". Handbid doesn't like it, and you will trigger an error and not be able to upload your guest list. 

Step 2:

Import the Spreadsheet 

To import your guest list into Handbid from the Auction Manager, go to:

  • People tab and select guests under the guests select guests import.
  • You will see the SAMPLE FILE/TEMPLATE, and the choose a file button.
  • You will use the sample file as a template to enter all your guest list data first, and then upload it into Handbid. You can drag and drop the file to upload or you can upload by clicking the select a file button.
                                  import invitees


Once the spreadsheet loads, you will see a sample of it just below the Headers.  The header boxes represent the fields in the Handbid database that need to be matched to your spreadsheet.

If you use our template (and did not modify it), then there is a shortcut you can use that will match the headers for you called "auto-match". Auto-match is a link in the sentence just below "MATCH HEADERS".  Clicking that will map the Handbid fields to the columns in your spreadsheet, saving you a ton of work. 

If some of them didn't match (or if you did not use our template), you will need to drag and drop the boxes down on to your columns in the sheet below to match them.  The red (pink) boxes are required. Once the headers are matched, click the "Validate" button to have Handbid check your work.

                       Guest Import Match Headers


Once you have validated your spreadsheet you will be presented with the total, Errors, Warnings, and Skipped sections.

  • Errors and Warnings will display a description of the issue. Click on the Errors / Warnings buttons on the right to see where Handbid found issues. 
  • Warnings can be ignored (but should be reviewed).
  • Errors (like the email in this example) either must be fixed or Skipped.  You can skip them by checking the skip box on the right-hand side. 

    guest import validation

Guest List Upload Options

When your spreadsheet is ready to upload (no more errors!), click on the Import button to start the process.  Once you do this, Handbid will present you with a confirmation dialog window where you have two options you must decide upon. 

  1. Do you want to undelete any previously deleted guests?  If Handbid finds a deleted guest with the same email address as another account, it will "undelete" that guest instead of adding them into the system again. 
  2. Do you want to assign paddles on import?  This is where you can "pre-assign" paddles upon import.  This isn't the recommended option, but for those that want to assign upon uploading, this is where you will allow your guests to have a paddle number reserved for them.  Once these paddles are assigned, they can't be "unassigned". However, you can swap paddles around if you need to.

Once you make your selections on the upload options, you are ready to import. Hit the import button and the system will start the process! 

                                    ready to upload guest list