Released on December 23, 2024
HBD-8636- Tap to Pay iPhone fixes and improvements
HBD-8446- iPhone performance improvements
HBD-7205- Allow managers to send broadcast messages to a selected bidders from the Bidders list.
Bug Fixes
HBD-8656- Bulk Edit of Items to mark Open or Pending was changing Item Attributes
HBD-8626- Android - Stripe Readers - when updating terminal firmware, no warning if you leave the screen
HBD-8621- Stripe Terminals - sporadic error when connecting a stripe terminal or tap to pay terminal
HBD-8620- Sponsor field not getting properly set for bidder who is purchasing the tickets
HBD-8616- Stripe Terminals - provide better error message for cards that aren’t compatible with Stripe Terminal readers
HBD-8614- Tap to Pay - local reader disconnects if switching apps or putting Handbid app in the background
HBD-8613- Tap to Pay - wording change on initial connect screen
HBD-8612- Stripe Terminals - reader was disconnecting if an incompatible card was added/tapped
HBD-8611- Tap to Pay - pressing connect button gives no immediate feedback for 3 seconds
HBD-8610- Tap to Pay - inform user if organization location is missing (required to function properly)
HBD-8604- Campaigns - Recurring donation doesn’t work when auction has only the ‘Annual’ option enabled
HBD-8613- Enable “Save my Account” checkbox by default on the Donations page registration form
HBD-8197- iPad - Live Auction items aren’t triggering the sound if bidder wins an item
HBD-8079 - Enable white label customers to be able to mark items as Popular.
HBD-8057- Search Results for auction name shows all auctions
HBD-7902- iPhone - make Custom Guest Labels visible
HBD-7901- Android - make Custom Guest Labels visible
HBD-7267- Application displays HTML tags in welcome message of the event on Android devices
HBD-6751- Item 'Generate Display Sheets' not working properly if more than 50 items are selected
HBD-6112- Improved sort and organization of purchases for bidders who were in multiple events