Overview of Ticketing

Guest Sponsors and their Guest List

This article explains what a Guest Sponsor is in Handbid and how to edit their guests information on the Guest List.

A Guest Sponsor is anyone who purchases a ticket in Handbid. This can be an individual ticket holder, a purchaser of multiple tickets OR a purchaser of a ticket with more than one guest slot. 

On the Guest List a Guest Sponsor will be listed as the Sponsor as well as the Purchaser unless edited by the Auction Manager.

In the example below, Mattyr Istesting purchased a Golf Foursome where he is listed as both the Sponsor and the Purchaser. This makes Mattyr the "Sponsor" of the other guests listed under him on the Guest List.

guest list

The Sponsor can be edited by an Auction Manager to reflect a company name, however, the purchaser will continue to show as Mattyr Istesting. To change a Guest List Sponsor name on the Guest List, see this article on How to Bulk Edit Guests