Guest List

Guest List Overview

This article provides an informational video and information on how to use the Guest List function in Handbid. The guest list is a great way to track who is coming to your event.

The Handbid Guest List allows you to manage all of the guests that you expect to attend your event. If you do plan to track attendance, the guest list is a powerful and simple tool that will allow you to do that.  Using the guest list will streamline your event registration and users can pre-populate their own data and your staff can check-in guests from the auction manager, from iPads or even from cell phones!

If your event does not require you to worry about who is coming, therefore not needing to check-in guests, you may want to consider simply registering bidders and not using the guest list. 


The guest list has gone through a refresh. While the guest list still retains most of the same functionality, there are some improvements. 

From the guest list, you will see that Custom forms are replaced with Custom questions. The answers to these questions can be seen at the guest list overview page instead of needing to click into a guest profile or pull a report to see this info. You can still pull a report to see how the questions were answered. To learn more, view this article about custom questions.

You can now export different views from your guest list. These views include current view, current selection, all guests, and custom data from forms. 

guest list page

You can now filter and sort your guests in several customizable ways.  This includes, but is not limited to, filtering by a sponsor, ticket purchaser,  ticket status, custom question asked or answered, guest status, and more! 

guest list w filter

To learn how to use the guest list for check-in please click here to view the check-in, all things you need to know article. 

How to use the Guest List

By default, the guest list is integrated through Handbid ticketing. When tickets are sold, the guest list will open slots based on how many people the ticket admits to the event.   However, you are also able to import your guests if you have decided to use a different ticketing system.

Managing your guest has never been easier. You can bulk edit tables or sponsors. You can check in your guests directly from the guest list and register them as bidders as well. 

To access the guest list from the auction dashboard select People, Guests, then select Guest List. 

Invite list

Have more questions about the Guest List Feature?

If you have more questions, we encourage you to search our Knowledge Base for Guest List articles or start with our frequently asked Guest List Questions article.